Accessibility Statement

“TLV Groove” company sees the value of equal rights and accessibility for people with disabilities as a top value, and works to enable all of its customers, including people with disabilities, to enjoy the services and products it offers.

As part of the actions, the website was made accessible to people with disabilities in a way that allows surfers to surf the website more easily and comfortably, and many resources are invested, so that the materials on the website are presented in a clear and easy way.

The accessibility of “TLV Groove” website includes:

  • Changing the colors on the site in favor of embossing: monochrome/ sepia/ high contrast/ black-yellow/ color inversion.
  • Canceling the flickering.
  • Highlight titles.
  • Simple navigation of the website pages using only the keyboard.
  • Highlight links.
  • Show description.
  • legible font.
  • Responsiveness – adjusting the display to different resolutions.
  • A clear view of the site’s components.
  • Compatibility with different browsers.
  • Increase or decrease font size.
  • Zoom in or out of screen.
  • Increase marker.
  • Turning the cursor black.
  • Reading mode.

The browser that provides the best accessibility support with the site is the “Google-Chrome” browser.

Accessibility in the physical business:
“TLV Groove” company does not have physical offices.

“TLV Groove” company continues to work to improve the website’s accessibility as part of its commitment and desire to allow the use of the website for the entire population, including people with disabilities.

We would like to point out that despite the efforts to make all the pages on the website accessible, specific parts of the website may be discovered that are not accessible. Therefore, if for any reason the page you viewed was not accessible to your satisfaction, we will be happy to assist you with any question, request for information and/or suggestions for improving the site’s accessibility

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